Technical Specifications of Y50 Series Circular Connectors
Mechanical Properties
Vibration: 10Hz-2000Hz,&acceleration 196 m/s2
Shock: Acceleration 980.7 m/s2
Bump: 392 m/s2
Mechanical life: 500 times
Environmental Performance
Working temperature: -55°C~+125°C
Relative humidity: 40°C±2°C
Working pressure: 101.33kPa-1.33Pa
Air tightness: ordinary socket:no more than 6×10-2 PaL/s
Air tightness: glass sintered socket:no more than 1×10-5 PaL/s
Electrical performance
—withstand voltage and rated working voltage
Work level Working environment Withstand voltage V Rated voltage V
M 1300 500
I Normal temperature status 1500 600
II 2300 1000
III 800 300
M 350 250
I Low air pressure conditions 375 300
II (4.39 kPa) 500 450
III 250 150
—Insulation resistance
Work level Temperature insulation resistance(MΩ)
M 3000
I Normal temperature 3000
II 5000
III 3000
M 100
I Damp heat 100
II 100
III 100